Study in the best universities in the leather research field

In Igualada, Spain
Universitat de Lleida (UdL) develops its activities in the heart of the Leather Cluster Barcelona where one can find the bulk of the Spanish tanning industry. Its reputation in R&D and process innovation has reached all Spanish speaking countries which send their best students in leather technology for upskilling; offering a high reputable Master’s degree in Leather Engineering, advanced skills and multidisciplinary training to train professionals in competitiveness, sustainability and innovation.
A reference centre at the international level
UdL and its Campus in Igualada is a reference centre at the international level, and the students of this Master are able to access to a wide offer of International mobility and a double international degree with the Post-Graduate Specialist in Leather Tanning from CIATEC Mexico.
A future with plenty of opportunities
Practical training is developed in a pilot-plant covering the complete operations of leather manufacture; from beamhouse, tanning, post-tanning and finishing operations, as well as practical sessions in leather companies. The career opportunities of the graduates in this master's degree are extensive: head of R&D or head of production/innovation in leather companies; and companies related to chemicals supply, leather goods manufacturers, research centres, international cooperation institutions, between others.

In Lyon, France
ITECH has a diversified leather education offer that spans from tanning to all the major leather applications in the fashion industry with unique links to the French luxury sector and its Global supply chains. ITECH is offering a 4 years’ degree in Engineering certified by Commission of Engineering Titles, which focuses on four majors: Formulation Chemistry (Paints, Inks, Adhesives, Cosmetics); Plastic Materials, Textile Materials and Leather.
A worldwide market
ITECH is the only institute worldwide delivering engineering degrees in Leather Manufacturing, for tanneries and fur leather companies and their uses (shoes and leather goods). Laboratory and practical work dominate the program. The leather market extends worldwide and requires extreme mobility, multitasking and adaptability to the future workers.

In Izimir, Turkey
EGE attracts students from all over the Middle East with a high-level leather education and a diversified industrial hinterland in Izmir and Istanbul, as well as other dedicated leather clusters in Turkey. EGE offer in the scope of the project is covering a four years Leather Engineering Degree, being the Bachelor’s Degree in Leather Engineering awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed the curricula and defenced their thesis proposal and thesis work.
The students who graduated from Leather Engineering Department can be employed at leather factories, leather chemicals firms, companies producing leather products and various public organizations. The graduates holding Bachelor’s Degree are eligible to apply to Master’s Degree programmes at national level and /or international level both in the same and in related disciplines. The EGE-University department of leather engineering has a pilot plant that testing laboratories conducting of the R&D studies hold a place which has 1240 m2 indoor area.

In Guanajuato, Mexico
CIATEC promotes the technological development of the footwear, automotive and leather industry. Its capabilities to serve the leather, footwear and leather-goods industry have been enhanced, becoming one of the best providers in Latin America. CIATEC is highly specialized in treating and using industrial wastes, as well as in process identification to eliminate pollutants and implementing environmentally friendly tanning processes.
CIATEC contributes to the industry by educating human capital who reach high scientific and technological levels, through the Inter-Institutional Graduate Studies in Science and Technology, named “Posgrado Interinstitucional en Ciencia y Tecnología” (PICYT). This program offers Master and PHD degrees in Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering. CIATEC also offers a Specialization Programme on Tanning, along with the University of Lleida, as well as a Continuous Education Programme.
CIATEC contributes to the technological, economic and social development of the country
CIATEC is part of The National Science and Technology Board’s Public Centers Network (CONACYT) and contributes to the technological, economic and social development of the country by solving industry problems using products created by science and technology. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure allows CIATEC to offer solutions that meet the needs of the industry and higher education institutions, in the following areas: materials, advanced manufacturing and industrial processes; environment and sustainability and technological support for health care services.